Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chuck vs. The Beefcake (who wants to "butter that muffin")

At the start of the episode I almost felt like I was back in my Buffy days when there were hot people digging up graves in primetime. But no! It was just our run-of-the-mill introduction to Super Sexy Spy Guy, or as he was officially called, Cole Barker.

A note about Cole Barker: I know most Chuck fans probably don’t like him because he’s driving a wedge between Chuck and Sarah but the dude is sex on legs. He’s got a little bit of Bryce in him only replace the boyish handsomness with the rugged good looks. And, though I don’t want to make this comparison, he’s got a little bit of Simon Cowell in him too (he talks like an asshole and there was a scene oh him wearing a suit with his shirt open all the way down- the way we know Simon Cowell likes it.) But I digress! Cole Barker is very hot. And very sweet when he called Sarah a breathtakingly beautiful woman.

Which brings me to Sarah/Cole. Which, as you many have guessed, didn’t bother me so much. I’m a huge Chuck/Sarah shipper but I’m also just a big fan of Sarah’s. I’d like to see what goes on in her head when she’s presented with Super Sexy Spy Guy on a platter. Does she act on it in the next episode or does she stay faithful to Chuck even though he “breaks up” with her every other episode. I’m interested to see where the writers (and the fabulous Yvonne Strahovski) take this character. Not only because any involvement with Cole will mean some good ‘ol angst for Chuck/Sarah but also because I want to see a storyline that will really effect and change the Sarah we all know and love.

Sarah was very much in the put-upon girlfriend role this episode and it actually made me feel bad for her. I felt bad when she caught Chuck screening her calls; when she was trying to convince him not to “break up” with her; having to turn off her feelings once again even when Barker was clearly getting under her skin (in the good kind of way); having to ask for help during the mission (something we don’t see much from the very able agent.) Sarah’s hands being tied when trying to seduce Barker was a good visual symbol for this point I’m trying to make.

But by the end of the episode Sarah finally gives into her desires (if only for a brief kiss) and could you blame the girl? Because even though it’s Chuck who always laments not being able to have a real relationship Sarah’s been on the other side of that too. And if she can’t get together with Chuck at this point in her life why shouldn’t she be able to get with the Super Sexy Spy Guy.

Notables from this ep:

-Big Mike moans like a wounded Seal. Really didn’t need to know that.

-Are we supposed to believe that an agent like Cole Barker would say “Butter that muffin”? Really? Too corny. But so hilarious.

-Jeff and Lester! They can do no wrong! Too much goodness to mention but the few standouts was Scott Krinsky’s great homage to Basic Instinct in that little uncrossing of the leg scenes. And the bit info that Lester “nearly” has a degree at the El Segundo school of finance.

-Ellie’s reaction to hearing the news that Chuck’s moving in with Morgan. They really need to have Sarah Lancaster do more comedy on this show. Well, her and Yvonne both.

- Speaking of the moving out thing, I was more than a little disappointed to know that Chuck would be moving in with Morgan when the potential for some terribly awkward/deliciously romantic potential is there for a Chuck/Sarah cohabitational scenario. At least we’ll get to see said scenario for one episode next week when Sarah moves in on protective detail.

And some very superficial thoughts about the men in this episode:

-Zachary Levi needs a haircut. Desperately.

-Josh Gomez is looking good! And yes, I’m talking about that sleeping-in-the-buff scene. We’ve seen him shirtless before (at the Buy More during the mystery crisper game) and things in that department have definitely improved. Nice one, Josh! Nice one.

-Anyone else notice that in General Beckman’s little collage of pictures of Barker that he was wearing that same famed Speedo that Daniel Craig wears in Casino Royal? It was quite a nice picture indeed.

-I love that barker (or I should say Jonathan Cake) shakes his head every time he says something important. It’s quite cute. Ok, I’m becoming a little too obsessed with the guest star. My apologies.


  1. I just wantd to peek in and say that I just found your blog last week and I love all the reviews you're doing :) They're really clever and my first thought was that they'd be fit enough and entertaining to fit into an actual magazine. Really good work!

    Also, I'll put up my thoughts reg. this ep of Chuck in a while, you can take a look if you want to, I half based it on the reaction of your review, which I read before seeing the episode, lol!

    Peace out, girl. Totally following this blog now.
